Al-Ward Audit company for Auditing

Al-Ward Audit company for Auditing was established in Yemen in 2020, by an experts in the field of auditing, to meet the market needs for professional companies in this field. The company provides its clients with professional services in the fields of accounting, auditing, taxation, and consulting services, and it has a distinguished team of accountants, auditors, jurists, and management consultants who have academic qualifications and practical experience to enable them to perform their duties and jobs efficiently and accurately. The company aims to help clients accomplish their business and achieve growth and profitability goals by providing audited financial statements, detailed reports and business consulting, as well as financial, administrative and tax services, development and training services
  • Planning the auditing process
  • Preparing the auditing programme
  • Executing audit procedures

Let’s Make Srvices For you

The company provides a range of accounting services to companies and non-profit organizations, including bookkeeping and records, services related to wages and salaries, preparing financial statements, and designing and developing accounting systems.

Audit And Assurance

Helping you navigate regulatory complexity and strengthen trust and transparency


The Tax Department audits, investigates, and collects taxes from individuals and businesses


The Advisory Services team provides expert and confidential guidance

Business Services & Outsourcing

By outsourcing your accounting functions, you can save time that can be invested in your business operations
Quality Services
Skilled Person

We are Specialists
in Audit service

Auditing financial statements in accordance with legal requirements.
Auditing of group accounts and financial components.
Audit of financial statements or elements of financial statements for management purposes or committed to a third party.
Auditing of internal control.
Review of financial information.
Financial information compilation and confirmation services.
Agreed procedures.
Other verification and review services.
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